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TKPOA Circulation System
Video by Sierra Overhead Analytics
What is the Circulation System?
Circulation system moves water to disrupt algae proliferation. The Tahoe Keys was constructed with a water circulation system to keep water in the lagoons as clean as possible. This system used coagulation to reduce Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) and decrease turbidity helping keep the lagoons relatively clear.
The figure below shows the culvert pumps, highlighted in yellow, and the section of the circulation system that was activated in 2020, also highlighted in yellow. Pumps C4-C6 and the smaller 300 HP pump in the pumphouse were utilized to create circulation within the West Lagoon. Water taken in from the intake at W was discharged at 1. All other valves for other discharge areas along the system were closed while the system was active. Water samples were taken from sampling sites marked with red circles.
Circulation Treatment System Design
•Entire lagoon turnover is around 3x per month
•Circulation Flow Capacity: 40M gallons per day
•Treatment Capacity: 10M gallons per dayCirculation System Objectives
1. Support restoration of native aquatic plant and fish habitats
- To filter and remove aquatic weed fragments, algae and nutrients
2. Mitigate effects of increasing frequency/severity of drought cycles
- Reduce harmful algal blooms and stagnant waters
3. Improve recreation, aesthetics, and other benefitical use
- Lahontan- designated water quality objectives for Lake Tahoe
Why is the Circulation System not currently operating?
It was shut down by Lahontan Water Board per 1996 Cease and Desist, 1999 Clean-up, and 2014 Waste Discharge Orders
The pipes have weak spots, separation at joints, extensive corrosion, biological growth and sediment build up
The pumps, motors and electrical control panels need to be replaced and the pump intakes need to be lowered by 3 ft
Treatment process needs new technology to remove nutrients and improve the water quality